
El llibertí

Va ser un dia intens, havia quedat per dinar amb amics que feia molt temps que no veia. A mesura que ens fem grans passa això, cadascú va seguint camins diferents i ens anem repartint pel món. Novetats de casaments, parelles que es fan i es desfan, canvis de pis i d’altres xafarderies. Després d’unes sessions fotogràfiques i per acabar el dia, tenia entrades pel Poliorama, un teatre on l’escenari es veu bé des de qualsevol lloc. Nosaltres estàvem al galliner, havíem comprat les entrades tres dies abans i tret de que un altre dia triaria al costat d’un passadís, un cop van tancar els llums hi estava molt còmode.
N’esperava una mica més de l’obra, suposo que tot el dia voltant per Barcelona em va deixar una mica cansada i potser no la vaig seguir amb tota l’atenció que li hagués fet falta. Amb això no vull dir que no m’agrades, m’ho vaig passar bé i vaig riure força.
El llibertí és Diderot, un home de mitjana edat que va de flor en flor. Li encarreguen que defineixi el concepte de “moral” per l’enciclopèdia que estan fent. Diderot s’intentarà refugiar en una de les estances de la casa d’un baró. Durant tota l’obra l’aniran interrompent diverses dones, una pintora, la filla del baró, la seva pròpia filla i la seva dona, que intentaran seduir-lo, enganyar-lo i discutir-s’hi. Us deixo el final per vosaltres, haurà aconseguit definir la moral i enviar-ho a l’impremta per tancar el volum de l’enciclopèdia???

36 comentaris:

El veí de dalt ha dit...

Segur que alguna cosa deuria dir. Me l'apunto. Promet. I amb el Madaula!

mossèn ha dit...

bo ... salut

zel ha dit...

Jo vaig sentir el mateix comentava que fas, també diuen que s'esperaven alguna cosa com mépunyent, potser és el tema, que no és prou novedós? Abraçades.

euria ha dit...

Veí--> hi ha molta noia...potser et resulta més interessant! :)

Mossèn--> salut!

Zel--> salutacions :) sips temes amorosos, crec que no ens els acabaríem!

Joana ha dit...

Val la pena , però veure-la?
Una abraçada!

Clint ha dit...

Ei a mi també em va semblar un pèl fluixeta..però els actors em van agradar força!

euria ha dit...

joana--> per com diu en clint....els treball dels actors, si!

clint--> sips que ho fan bé

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Spain's new conservative government has outlined 8.9bn euros ($11.5bn, £7.5bn) in new spending cuts and tax rises to lower the country's borrowing.

The announcement is the first in a wave of austerity measures, with a total of 16.5bn euros to be cut in 2012.
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While executing a loop near Chuuk, the tropical depression intensified into Tropical Storm Tip, though the storm failed to organize significantly due to the influence of Tropical Storm Roger. Reconnaissance aircraft provided the track of the surface circulation, since satellite imagery estimated the center was located about 60 km (38 mi) from its true position. After drifting erratically for several days, Tip began a steady northwest motion on October 8. By that time, Tropical Storm Roger had become an extratropical cyclone, resulting in the southerly flow to be entrained into Tip. Additionally, an area of the tropical upper tropospheric trough moved to the north of Guam,
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In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence --an inconsistency, and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy--an excessive nervous agitation.

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nguyen ha dit...

Jo vaig sentir el mateix comentava que fas, també diuen que s'esperaven alguna cosa com mépunyent, potser és el tema, que no és prou novedós? Abraçades.Ei a mi també em va semblar un pèl fluixeta..però els actors em van agradar força!
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Not being educated in music, it is unlikely that Dresser purposefully made any methodical calculations when he composed the melody.[1][2]
Written for piano, guitar, and mandolin, the music begins in the key of G major with an Andante Moderato tempo. The verses follow a chord progression of G–C–G. The chorus transitions to B minor, and progresses as B–E–E, before returning to G–C–G in its final bars.[16] Although the melody of the chorus is unique within the piece, it is in harmonic unity with the verses.
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Ivanovic squandered five match points in her last match against Clijsters in March. Asked about their latest meeting, the Serbian added: "It will be a battle and I just want to try and apply things that I have worked on and see how that plays.

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In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence --an inconsistency, and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy--an excessive nervous agitation. model carsrussian dating

GameforYou ha dit...

According to Blackstone, English common law identified murder as a public wrong.[19] At common law, murder is considered to be malum in se, that is an act which is evil within itself. An act such as murder is wrong/evil by its very nature. And it is the very nature of the act which does not require any specific detailing or definition in the law to consider murder a crime.[20]
Some jurisdictions still take a common law view of murder. In such jurisdictions, precedent case law or previous decisions of the courts of law defines what is considered murder. However, it tends to be rare and the majority of jurisdictions have some statutory prohibition against murder.
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Capital punishment in Canada dates back to 1749. Before Canada eliminated the death penalty for murder on July 14, 1976, 1,481 people were sentenced to death, with 710 executed. Of those executed, 697 were men and 13 were women. The only method used in Canada for capital punishment in nonmilitary contexts was hanging. The last execution in Canada was on December 11, 1962, at Toronto's Don Jail.
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In 1749, Peter Cartcel, a sailor aboard a ship in the Halifax harbour, stabbed Abraham Goodsides to death and wounded two other men. He was brought before a Captain’s Court where he was found guilty and sentenced to death. Two days later he was hanged from the yardarm of the vessel as a deterrent to others. [5] This is one of the earliest records of capital punishment in Canada.
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GameforYou ha dit...
L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
GameforYou ha dit...

California's murder statute, Penal Code Section 187, was interpreted by the Supreme Court of California in 1994 as not requiring any proof of the viability of the fetus as a prerequisite to a murder conviction.[23] This holding has two implications. The first is a defendant in California can be convicted of murder for killing a fetus which the mother herself could have terminated without committing a crime.[23] The second, as stated by Justice Stanley Mosk in his dissent, because women carrying nonviable fetuses may not be visibly pregnant, it may be possible for a defendant to be convicted of intentionally murdering a person he did not know existed.
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The majority of offenders put to death by Canadian civilian authorities were executed by the "long drop" technique of hanging developed in the United Kingdom by William Marwood. This method ensured that the prisoner's neck was broken instantly at the end of the drop, resulting in the prisoner dying of asphyxia while unconscious, which was considered more humane than the slow death by strangulation which often resulted from the previous "short drop" method. The short drop sometimes gave a period of torture before death finally took place.

CuteGirl ha dit...

The purported servicemen appear to be aware that they are being filmed.

Pentagon spokesman Capt John Kirby said in a statement: "We are deeply troubled by the video. Whoever it is, and whatever the circumstances - which we know is under investigation - it is egregious behaviour and unacceptable for a member of the military."

Marine Corps headquarters at the Pentagon said in a statement: "The actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps. This matter will be fully investigated.''
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1908 with the Montreal Wanderers. Like other players of the time, Ross played for several different teams and leagues, and is most notable for his time with the Wanderers while they were members of the National Hockey Association (NHA) and its successor, the National Hockey League (NHL). In 1911 he led one of the first organized player strikes over increased pay.

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In 2000, she appeared as Janet, the Australian barmaid ("Built for bar work; it's instinct... instinct!!") in the first series of the British sitcom Time Gentlemen Please. She also played the much put-upon PA to "Zak" in Argos TV adverts during 2002-2004, along with Richard E. Grant.[citation needed] She has also joined actor Ioan Gruffudd in the internationally successful TV/DVD adaptations of CS Forester's Horatio Hornblower novels, as the captain's wife Maria
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GameforYou ha dit...

Spain's new conservative government has outlined 8.9bn euros ($11.5bn, £7.5bn) in new spending cuts and tax rises to lower the country's borrowing.

The announcement is the first in a wave of austerity measures, with a total of 16.5bn euros to be cut in 2012.
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While executing a loop near Chuuk, the tropical depression intensified into Tropical Storm Tip, though the storm failed to organize significantly due to the influence of Tropical Storm Roger. Reconnaissance aircraft provided the track of the surface circulation, since satellite imagery estimated the center was located about 60 km (38 mi) from its true position.
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The research found a clear link between non-payment of player salaries and match-fixing.
As many as 41.1% of players have not had their salary paid on time, of which more than half were approached to consider fixing a match.
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